Introducing Our Event: Accessibility Nottingham

Our event, Accessibility Nottingham, is launching. Our first event is taking place at Rough Trade Nottingham, and promises to be entertaining, inspirational and informative.
What is Accessibility Nottingham?
Accessibility Nottingham is a free meet – up, taking place in the heart of Nottingham city centre. Bringing together inspirational speakers, web developers, and leading professionals; we aim to raise awareness surrounding the importance of online accessibility.
Following the equality act, all UK websites ought to be accessible to everyone, regardless of disability. And by 2020, all public sector websites are required to be accessible in accordance with the website content accessibility guidelines (WCAG).
Whether you’re someone who has experienced disability in the past, or have never experienced it, we hope to teach you about the importance of digital accessibility, and the benefits it brings.
Our first event
The theme of our first event is Being accessible is easier than you think. It aims to break the myths around the apparent difficulties involved in making a website accessible.
We offer our guests free food and entertainment, in the hopes that the event will be informative, with fantastic networking opportunities.
The agenda
Our upcoming event features talks from Shaw Trust Accessibility Services, Web Developers, and Nick Thorley.
To see the full timetable and speakers for this event, see our recent events.
To celebrate our launch, we will be giving away a £25 Rough Trade voucher. Everyone who orders a ticket and attends this event will be entered into the draw to win!
Before you go
Our event is launching. With free food, whilst promoting positive change to an inclusive online world, this is a meetup not to be missed.
To celebrate the beginning of our movement to an inclusive digital world, we will be giving away a £25 rough trade voucher. To enter, just order a free ticket and show up to our event.
Order your free tickets to our next event.
Quote of the week:
If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place
Susan Wendell